Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Volunteer Army

A keepsake from the 20th century's most powerful and indescribable horror is a World War II. Such scenes in Dante's Hell as down to earth. How America forced Hitler to mobilize the youth the best to millions of people, fighting against the best youth of Germany, with casualties on both sides is so "scary".

Although this book also includes information about the general strategy of the Allies, especially once a relationship is sometimes deteriorated between Eisenhower and Montgomery (General English) and the competition Bradley - Patton - Hodges - Montgomery - which is pretty exciting for the reader to follow the big picture-but this book is not about the generals, but about football lunge volunteer army of young American children (Citizen Soldiers), which is known as "GI" (tantama soldier, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant to captain) in the ETO (European Theater of Operations = Battlefield Europe) in World War II, which began on D-Day, June 6, 1944, and ended with the surrender of Germany eleven months later: who they are, how they fought, why they fought, what they suffered, and how they achieve victory .

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