Sunday, October 24, 2010

Trias politica , Montesqieu

Montesquieu (1689-1755)
Montesqueieu (real name Secondat Baron de Montesquieu) proposed his political thoughts after reading the works of John Locke. Fruit thoughts contained in magnum opusnya, Spirits of the Laws, published in 1748.
In connection with the concept of separation of powers, Montesquieu wrote as follows: "In every government there are three kinds of power: legislative power, executive power, about the things that pleased with the law between nations, and judicial powers are about things that depend on the law civilian.
With the power, the prince or magistrate issued a law that has been issued. With the second power, he makes peace or war, sends or receives ambassadors, establish public security and prepare to fight the invasion. With a third power, he punishes criminals, or decide disputes between individuals. That this end we call the judiciary, other state executive power. "
Thus, the concept of Trias Politica are referenced by many countries in the world today is a concept that comes from this French thinker. However, this concept continues to experience competition with other control concepts like power of Dynasties (Saudi Arabia), Wilayatul Faqih (Iran), Dictatorship of the Proletariat (North Korea, China, Cuba).

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