At least there are two kinds of ranking analysis that can be used to determine what should be observed, namely the unit of analysis and explanation unit. The unit of analysis merupkan something whose behavior would be described, explained, and predicted. In other words, the unit of analysis can also be referred to as the dependent variable, the variable whose existence is affected by other variables. Meanwhile, units of explanation is something that the impact on the unit of analysis would be observed. For that, the unit can also be referred to as explanatory independent variables, ie variables whose existence affects the dependent variable (Mas'oed 1990: 35; Silalahi 2006: 122-123; Suyanto & Sutinah 2005: 48-49). Thus, the explanation unit determines the dynamics that occur within the unit of analysis.
Furthermore, Patrick Morgan made five classification levels of analysis that can be used to understand the behavior of actors in international relations, namely the level of individual analysis, groups of individuals, nation states, nation-state groups, and the international system (Mas'oed 1999: 40-42) .
1. Individual-level analysis, the phenomenon of international relations is basically reflected by the interaction behavior of individuals within them. To understand the reality of international relations, required an assessment of attitudes and behavior of the main character's decision makers, such as heads of state or government, foreign ministers, security advisors, and so forth.
2. Level Group Analysis of Individuals, what happens in international relations is an accumulation of individual actions within a specific group or organization. Thus, the phenomenon of international relations is seen as a relationship between the various groups of individuals in various countries. To understand international relations required the assessment of the behavior of groups of individuals and organizations involved in international relations, such as the cabinet in the administration, security advisory council, bureaucratic organizations, departments or government agencies, and so forth.
3. Nation-state level of analysis, the basic assumption of this analysis is that all levels of decision makers, wherever located, will behave the same if faced with similar situations as well. Thus, the fact that there is in international relations is reflected by the behavior of nation-states, which have been considered as the dominant actor in international relations. Therefore, to understand international relations required the assessment of decision-making process concerning international relations, especially the foreign policy of a country. In other words, the level of analysis looks at the nation-state as a whole unit.
4. Level Group Analysis of State-nation, nation-states often make international actions are not alone, but sometimes as a group. Thus, the phenomenon of international relations is reflected as an interaction between groups of nation-states that joined in certain patterns and groupings, such as alliances, regional economic bloc, bloc ideology, or groupings within the UN, and so forth.
5. Level Analysis of International System, basically nation-states and other actors in international relations is a unit contained within a larger system, namely the international system. All actors interasional relations act and interact in the system. Thus, according to the level of this analysis, the dynamics that occur in the international system affect the behavior of the actors of international relations that exist therein. Larger systems have determined the behavior of actors as the smallest unit in the system. Therefore, to understand the reality of international relations required the assessment of the system itself and make generalizations about the system as a whole, so that could explain the behavior of actors within international relations.
From this it can be concluded that there are five units of analysis containing five units of explanation as well, namely the individual level, the level of individual group, nation-state level, the level of nation-state groups, and the international system or global level.
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