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Friday, October 8, 2010
POLITICAL SYSTEM (LIBERAL DEMOCRACY) I. Understanding Political Systems A. Understanding the system: a. According Prajudi, "A network rather than the procedures related to each other according to the scheme or pattern that round to drive a major function of a business or affairs. " b. According Musanef, "A tool that controls the state and work for in performing tasks can be organized." So, according to both the expert we can know that unlicensed system is unified whole series of things, which hooks mengkait one another, part or subsidiary of a system, became the parent of the next series. B. Understanding politics: The origin of the word politics comes from the word "policy" which means the state of the city, as for political means there is a special relationship between people who live together, in the relationship arise rules, authority, official conduct, legality validity, and ultimately power. But politics can also be described as wisdom, strength, the power of government, the conflict that became a national consensus, and then the power of the people. Opinions G.A. Jacobsen and W.H. Lipman, said that political science is the science of the state. This is related to: 1. The linkages between individuals with individuals with one another, which is governed by state law. 2. The relationship between individuals or groups of people with the state. 3. The relationship between country to country. While George Simpsons says, political science concerned with the forms of power, how to gain power, the study of institutions of power and the comparison of different power systems. C. Understanding Political Systems: a. Robert Dahl states that sistem politic is covering two things: a consistent pattern of human relationships. Then involve something broader about power, rule and authority. b. Almond said that the politic system is essentially carrying out the functions of maintaining the unity of society, adapting and changing elements of linkage relationships, religion and economic system, political system to protect the unity and threats from the outside or develop on other societies. c. Miriam Budiardjo nenyatakan that the political system is the study of political phenomena in the context of behavior in society. So the political system is one of the various systems contained in a society such as economic system, social system or systems and other techniques. II. Democratic Political System A. Understanding Democracy There are various terms of democracy that we are familiar, such as liberal democracy, constitutional democracy, parliamentary democracy, guided democracy, Pancasila democracy, democracy of the people, and so forth. All contain the term democracy, which he says comes from the Greek, demos meaning people and Kratos / kratein means power / power. B. The characteristics of the Democratic Political System Democratic political system has the following characteristics: a. There is always a power-sharing, where the legislative, executive, and judiciary are at a different agency. If the three powers that be in an entity or person, then power on the agency's centralized redistributed without the implementation of power will lead or be a system of dictatorship. b. Always maintain the protection of human rights a fundamental, namely: a) Right to life b) The right to pursue happiness c) The right of independence, which includes: (A) Independence speaks (B) Independence of thought (C) Freedom to be free from hunger (D) Freedom from fear (E) Freedom of religion c. Always there is a political organization as the voice of the people and usually more than one political organization. If there is only one political oraganisasi in the country concerned, the people have no choice to deliver their aspirations. Because of this, people do not have the freedom to think, speak, and act. The existence of political organization more than one, encourage people to become more creative, accomplished, and productive in society and state. So the more developed countries will be encouraged for the benefit of all. d. There are elections that is based overflow (Jump, Free, Confidential). With this principle is expected to elect the candidates the best leaders in education, experience, discipline, loyalty, and so forth. Moreover, this principle is also expected to prevent acts of fraud committed by government or party which is often called corruption. e. The existence of open / open democratic management (participation of the people in government through free elections), the existence of social responsibility (the accountability of government to the people in accordance with the procedure stipulated in the law), the existence of social control (surveillance of people on the course of good governance through supra infra structure or structures), and the presence of social support (support of the people against the government that is responsible for the implementation of national welfare). f. The existence of the rule of law (rule of law), by running the principle of Supremacy of law (supreme law), equality before the law (equality before the law), and protection of human rights (protection of human rights). g. The existence of a free press to protect the interests of the people, whether political, social, economic, cultural, or interests concerned with human rights. h. The existence of social control (the control community) conducted by the supra-structure and infra structure of the government / ruling party to always obey the Constitution and laws so that the government was still corrective, creative, productive, innovative and impartial justice for all people. III. Liberalism Political System A. Definition of Liberalism The word comes from the word libre Liberalism means freedom from slavery, rape, and persecution. B. The characteristics of Liberalism Political System Liberalism's political system has several characteristics, namely: a. Very emphasize freedom / independence of the individual. b. Very uphold human rights as the primary right to life, liberty rights, the right to pursue happiness, and others. c. In a system of government, consisting of a few powers, namely the legislative, executive, and judiciary. d. Considers the democratic system as the most appropriate political system for a country because of human rights were protected. e. Infra structure / social structure is always trying to realize the establishment of democracy and the collapse of the dictatorship. f. The existence of homosexual and lesbianism caused an emphasis on individual freedom. g. Maternity secularism, which is understood that separate the state with religion. According to their understanding, religion is a public affairs while the country is the government affairs. Therefore, the government should not interfere in religious matters. h. Against that embraces the teachings of communism dictatorship system so that human rights taken away and raped a lot. i. Maternity economic class composed of strong and weak economic class. Currently being cultivated in the political system of modern liberalism to eliminate the gap between rich and poor. j. Trying hard to realize the welfare of all members of society or of all citizens. Given the suffering and misery can lead to acts contrary to the state constitution. k. The existence of high culture with high menjungjung creativity, productivity, effectiveness, and inovasitas citizens. l. Effort in the country's general election berasas an overflow so that the change of government run normally. m. Against dictatorship political system that it deprives Human Rights. IV. Liberal Democratic Political System In Indonesia berlangusng liberal democracy since 3 November 1945, ie since multi-party system prevailing through government edict. Multi-party system is more revealing nature of the prevailing political instability after the parliamentary system in the shade of the 1945 first period. Liberal democracy is also known as parliamentary democracy, because it took place in a parliamentary system of government when the 1945 enactment of the first period, the Constitution RIS, and the Provisional Constitution 1950. Thus the liberal democracy formally ended on July 5, 1959, were materially terminated upon the idea of Guided Democracy was conducted. In the period of liberal democracy there are some things that definitely can be said to have been attached and the coloring process, namely: a. Distribution Charges The demand was very intense (high-frequency or volume) and exceeds the capacity of living systems, especially the capacity or ability of an official political machine. Through a multi-party system overload, very beasr input distribution, but not yet balanced institutional readiness to contain it. Crisis arose due to increased participation in the form labilitas government / politics. Selector and filters of different colors were less effective demand function, because the gatekeeper (political elites) do not yet have a consensus to work together, or a pattern of cooperation has not been sufficiently available. a. Maintenance and Continuity Value Confidence on Human Rights so high that foster opportunity and freedom spacious with all eksesnya. Ideologisme or school of thought ideological fight with the pragmatic school of thought. Flow pragmatic understanding inspired by social-democrat through PSI, while the wing-ideologik inspired by radical nationalism through PNI. b. Capability Processing potential of extractive and distributive according to the free economy conducted by the cabinet that pragmatic, moderate symbolic capabilities are preferred by the cabinet ideologik. Justice gets cabinet attention ideologik, moderate prosperity by cabinet pragmatic. c. Vertical Integration Relationship occurs between the elites to the mass flow based on patterns of integration. This integration does not always mean the process from the top (elite) to bottom (mass), but also from mass to elite based on paternalistic pattern. d. Horizontal Integration Between the political elite does not develop integration that can be proud of. Although never established psychiatric antarelit integration, but eventually proceed towards disintegration. On the other hand, the conflict between elites that are sharpened and open. Indonesian elite category called collector solidarity (solidarity makers) are more descry in the period of liberal democracy. However, when it looks too emergence cabinets formed in the atmosphere keselang-distraction changes in leadership as group administrators who can play a role. e. Political Style Ideological nature, which means more emphasis differentiating factor. Because the ideology tend to be rigid and not kompromistik or reformistik. The existence of groups who hold a different ideology, even contradictory, culminating at the time of dealing with the determination of the basic state at a meeting of the Constituent . Ideologik political style in this Constituent Assembly by elite each brought to their midst, causing tensions and divisions in society. a. Leadership Derived from the armed Youth Pledge in 1928 is more likely, not permissive to leave the paternal thoughts, primordial to the flow, religion, ethnicity, or regionalism. b. Balancing Political Participation by Institutional a) Mass Mass participation is very high, to the extent that growing notion that people of all walks of political participation have been cultured. b) Veterans and Military The influence of western democracy that is more dominant, then the military involvement in politics is not too visible, so that civilian supremacy is more prominent. c. Pattern Development Reform Took place with the free pattern, meaning that tolerated the existence of ties with the political forces that differ ideologically. As a result, the proper function of the state apparatus to serve the public interest without exception, be likely to serve the interests of groups according to primordial ties. d. Stability Level Happened political instability negatively affects development efforts. Government System in Indonesia: 1. Presidential (1945-1950) PM: Sutan Syahir President: Head of State Symbols 1. Parliamentary (1950-1959) PM: Responsible to the parliament President: Head of State 1. Guided (1959-1970) President: Lifetime 1. Pancasila Lack of Liberal Democracy: 1. Multiparty, which resulted in aspiration that has not entirely properly channeled. 2. Freedom of expression is so free, so there is no accountability. Advantages of Liberal Democracy: 1. Human Rights upheld and upheld by the state ________________________________________ Scott Burchill describes the basic ideas of the liberals and the importance of democracy and human rights, for liberalism in which rights should be disseminated globally in an effort to create peace. Liberalism itself assumes that humans are basically good properties so that formation of a peace is not something impossible. However, to create peace, then there are several systems that must be replaced. First aristrocracy system must be changed into a democratic system. Both autarky must be converted into free trade. Third the balance of power must be institusikan into collective security. War itself is considered as an abnormal case of human nature. Among liberals like Kant, Cobden, Schumpeter and Doyle argue that war is a creation of government that is undemocratic and militaristic. The liberals believe that drugs that can prevent war is to free trade and democratic governance. Moreover, Kant argues that the pacific federation that guarantees a peace can be formed from countries that have democratic legality. The expansion of peace from the big countries to smaller countries is the basis of Fukuyama's idea of the prospects for peace in post-cold war. Free trade itself is a second alternative in creating welfare in the absence of a conflict. Free trade occurs when the emergence of the spirit of commerce. Free trade is considered capable of creating a peace due for mutual benefit and reciprocity for those involved in the trade and cooperation would reduce the risk of a conflict that could result in war. The argument is based on the theory of comparative advantage through specialization and trade where production factors world can be used more efficiently, world output increased and the community would benefit from specialization and trade in the form of higher incomes, which in turn can increase spending and savings. Conflicts occur when the state interfere with the natural relationship between people so as to resolve the conflict there needs to be a freedom of movement of capital, commodities, and labor. A peace can be achieved when the formation of an interdependence between countries. When countries have the same goal and have a very complex dependence, then the countries would prefer to work together to establish an institution rather than having to fight each other. This ultimately will reduce the risk of war. Liberals are very confident that even in a state of anarchy, an international institution able to foster cooperation among member countries will be formed. When countries need each other, creating a desire to establish an international institution becomes increasingly large that the countries that used to solve a problem with the military path will prefer to use the path of peace because of the nature of the mutual need. The liberals also argue that secret diplomacy represents a base of a conflict. The argument is based on the opinion of the liberals who argue that secret diplomacy is a policy that is run by the elite in pre-democratic. In other words, elites who run secret diplomacy, not the elite who represent the people that have the effect of causing a war statement was back on argumern of Kant who argued that the war occurred in the absence of democracy in a country where the state is led by the elite who does not represent its people. Furthermore, liberals believe that the system of balance of power is an aspect of secret diplomacy. Balance of power is simply a system used by the unrepresentative elits to increase his power. Therefore liberals believe that the balance of power should be replaced with a more terinstitusi system in which there are a set of rules that govern its member countries. The system has manifested into a concept called collective security. The idea of formation of collective security aims to prevent major countries to invade small countries. The existence of norms of collective security in making major countries will not attack small countries. When power tercangkup in a container, then countries would not use it to attack another country. Next Scott Burchill discuss about the economic dimension. Unlike the previous discussion on this subject, Scott Burchil more to see how the influence of trends such as free markets and free trade affect the modern capitalist society and the relations between nation-states. First, Scott Burchill discusses Polanyi critique of liberalism both in aspects of theoretical and practical aspects. In essence, Polanyi criticized the opinion of liberalism that the market is a superior form of economic organization. Next, Scott Burchill discuss free trade. In this case Scott Burchill, discuss in advance what the basis of free trade and Scott Burchill discusses the history of free trade began first introduced in 1846 in England. Until 1931, free trade is the movement of the middle class. After the second world war, the U.S. formed a free trade regime as a policy-driven state. From then on U.S. businesses can trade anywhere. These events may be the start of the U.S. economic expansion, and destroy the economic hegemony of English. Next Scott Burchill discuss the influence of liberal thinking on the world economic order. World economic order began to change when globalization began to be a phenomenon in the relations between countries in the international world. In such a context liberals focused on free trade, the capacity of transnational cooperation to be separated from political regulation, and freedom of capital from the state and territory jurisdictions. Scott Burchill Selanjtunya discuss free trade and relations with foreign investment sovereignty. Free trade is an idea the liberals in an effort to minimize the possibility of conflict countries. In the context of economics, free trade is considered able to increase economic growth and form of competition that will ultimately provide efficiency in the use of resources, human, and capital. A protection applied by a country considered to be making the appearance of an unfair trade. The basis of free perdaganagn thinking comes from the theory of comparative advantage. It is inevitable that the argument about the importance of free trade is still strong in the effort to integrate economic efficiency and become more global world development in a global economy. Selanjunta Scott Burchill discusses the relationship between sovereignty with foreign investment. Currently, the erosion of economic sovereignty of a country we can see clearly. It is not directly caused by the increased technology that ultimately makes the mobility of goods, services, people and capital can be very fast. Capital very quickly get in and out of a country. On the other side of the country in dire need of capital in building its economy. This makes the state will issue a variety of policies that make capital will enter the country. This in other words, countries will make a policy issued in accordance with the wishes of capital. This makes the sovereignty of a country will be affected by the capital. From the above explanation we can see that the liberals are thinking outside looking. In the sense that domestic conditions can be spread around the world to achieve a peace. Also we can see that the liberals are very confident that will create a peace. We can call the liberals as people who are very optimistic, especially when we refer to the article Fukuyama in his book The End of the world history and the last man. The beliefs of the liberals would be my starting point in reviewing international liberalism. The first record I was about kayakinan liberals that the war is an act of unrepresentative elite. In other words, if a country has a representative elite, then war can be minimized. But in kenyataannyan that world war 2 occurs due to "act" of Hitler's political elite regarded as representative because Hitler became ruler of Germany after winning the election. This illustrates that the representative elite-can cause a war. In relation to the pacific federation which is considered to prevent the occurrence of a war, I associate with Freidman opinion who argue that the two countries in which there is not going to Mc Donald meyerang each other. [2] But we can look at the level of the fact that the two countries contained Mc Donald can also fight each other. This is when we see the Iraqi war with the United States NOTE: My second is about the conviction when the formation of international institutions, then peace will be achieved because institutions can facilitate cooperation and thus will make nations will not act fraudulently towards other countries. In this case I agree with the statement of the neo-realists who argue that liberals ignore the relative advantage. [3] thus making them fail to explore the main source of reserves of the countries on international cooperation. Countries would worry that other countries benefit more by cooperation than they do themselves. An example is when the United States work together with Japan. With the cooperation between the two countries illustrated that there will be satisfaction of both countries. But the magnitude of satisfaction is something relative. In the sense that when the result of cooperation between the United States makes a profit equal to 4 and Japan gain at 6, considered that they have benefited. But the advantage is not in accordance with the wishes of the United States, the U.S. will perform a variety of ways for the benefits by the Japanese, do not exceed the gains by the U.S.. Note the third of me is, liberals are not consistent with his statement. In this case the author refers to Francis Fukuyama. Fukuyama in his book are very confident that the end of the cold war and the extent of spread of free markets and liberal democracy globally make the "end of history". Liberal democracy has succeeded in transforming the world into a community that is prosperous and full of freedom. [4] Fukuyama believes that the forms of democracy as the ultimate goal of finding the ideal form of government. Fukuyama argues that democracy in the country to spread into international politics in an effort to achieve a peace and an end to international conflict. But in fact, Fukuyama lick own saliva by releasing a book entitled strengthen the state. Fukuyama can not deny that the country still remains a big role in international relations. [5] Especially after the events of 911 that gave rise to the phenomenon of terrorism. State still has a big role in facing the threat of terrorism. NOTE: My fourth is about the liberal belief that given the interdependence of the peace can be created. In the sense that the presence of interdependence, then the states would minimize the possibilities of conflict that could disrupt hubungangannya with other countries. It was on akhrinya will bring a peace in relations between countries. [6] In this case my talks at the level of facts where the facts show that since 1890 has occurred interdependence between the actors in international relations, but in reality that the war is still going . Measured by GNP, the total foreign investment from Western developed countries are very high from the whole period from 1814 to 1937 than during the 1960s and 1970s. [7] This fact shows that interdependecy unable to prevent the appearance of a conflict that could lead to war. Note the fifth I was thinking liberals who believe that international trade that includes free trade and free markets will ensure the peace and prosperity. [8] In this case I will play with the level of facts. Free trade and free markets are inevitably able to make increasing economic growth. But on the other hand we can see that free trade and free markets will benefit the large countries and would harm the small country. In this case I will take the example of the implementation of free trade for the rice sector in the Philippines. With the free trade in the sense that the paddy-rice imports into the Philippines freely without any tax, making the rice-paddy in the country less competitive, which in turn will make farmers in the country can not get the revenue that would make farmers in the country will continue to be parties are marginalized. The existence of such inequality that the conflict between big countries and small countries into something that is very possible. More than that the conflict was a conflict that is based on the economic problems that have a greater effect than the effect caused by the conflict over political and military problems. Robert Gilpin argues that the economic conflict would be more dangerous than any other conflict in observing the interaction of international politics in the future. This is because the echo is very large which is not only felt on the battlefield but also felt by every person who is in the condition. Therefore economic conflicts have an unlimited coverage area, and affects all levels of society. [9] In addition, Joseph Frankel argues that the economic aspect includes many actors so that the perceived effect will be greater than the effect of conflict on the security aspect. [ 10] In the end we see that liberals have some drawback in an effort to explain the dynamics of international relations. But that does not mean others are more able to approach identifies international relations. Nothing better identifies an international phenomenon. I agree with the opinion of Joseph S. Nye Jr., who argued that: "The will of the international politcs never be like physics Because it involves human Changeable behaviors: It has no strong determist theory." [11] And I also believe that human behavior is unpredictable and always changing. Making it difficult to determine a pattern that fits in seeing the development of international relations and to continue to survive. And somehow, with the shortcomings and benefits contained in Liberalism, Liberalism has given effect to the development of international relations studies and has become a mainstream and hard to separate from the study of international relations. But certainly many thought liberalism should be able to be transformed into a variety of policies that can provide a positive impact on the Indonesian state. Juwono Sudarsono argued that the development of international relations does not just follow the signs that occurred at the global level, but also able to provide an explanation of its relevance for efforts to maintain our survival. [12] ________________________________________ [1] Francsi Fukuyama, The End of The History And The Last Man, (London: Penguin Books, 1992) p 47-51 [2] Thomas Freidman, The Lexus and the Olive Tree, (London: Harper Collins Publishers, 1999) p 195 [3] Georg Sorenson & Robert Jackson, Introduction to International Relations Studies, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2005) p. 169-170 [4] Francis Fukuyama, op cit p 47-51 [5] Francis Fukuyama, Strengthening the State, (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2005) p. 128-155 [6] Joseph S. Nye, Understanding International Conlicts; An Introduction to Theory and History. (New York: Longman, 1997) p 164 [7] Georg Sorenson., Op cit, p. 166 [8] Neil R. Richardson, "International Trade as a Force for Peace", (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995) p 283-284 [9] Robert Gilpin, Economic Multiteralism vs. Economic Regionalism, "in Analysis Vol4 No 4, (The National Bureau of Asian Research, 1993), p. 11-14. [10] Joseph Frankel, International Relations in Cold War (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988) p 183 [11] Joseph S. Nye, Jr.., Op cit, p 6 [12] Juwono Sudarsono, International Relations and Development Studies Tangtangan Future, (Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya, 1996) p. 19.
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