Friday, October 8, 2010

Pragmatic Liberalism as an Ideology

Pragmatic Liberalism as an Ideology 

In social sciences there are two terms of ideology, that ideology is functionally and structurally. Ideology is functionally defined as a set of ideas about the common good, or about society and the state is considered the most good, while ideology is structurally defined as a system of justification, such as ideas and political formula for each of the policies and actions taken by the authorities.According to the structural approach to the conflict, which has a class of its own material production facilities have the means of mental production, such as ideas, culture and law. The idea of the ruling class any time and anywhere is the dominant idea. Ideas, culture, law and so aware or does not constitute justification for the party that has a material interest of the dominant idea. The system is called ideological justification. 

 Ideology in the functional sense can be described briefly with examples. In the United States, ensuring national security means a significant increase in the production of weaponry is also advantageous weapons industries. Increased agricultural growth means increased production of fertilizers and other chemicals, which means profitable industries and chemical fertilizer. For the sake of national stability in developing countries often means reducing the political freedoms of citizens. Ideology in the functional sense in the typology classified in two types, namely the ideology of doctrinal and pragmatic ideology. 

A doctrinaire ideology can be classified if the doctrines contained in the ideology that was formulated in a systematic and detailed with a clear, indoctrinated to community members, and their implementation is closely monitored by party officials or government officials. Usually the value system or ideology that is permitted to live in a society like this is just a doctrinaire ideology.However, if the teachings contained in the ideology is not formulated in a systematic and detailed, but is formulated in general (principles only), the ideology is classified as pragmatic ideology. In this case, ideology was not indoctrinated, but functionally socialized through family life, education system, economic system, religious life and political system. On that basis, its implementation is not monitored by the party or government officials, but by institutional arrangements. That is, anyone who does not conform to the values embodied in the ideology will not live naturally. Liberalism is an example of pragmatic ideology.Usually no one ideology that is allowed to grow in this community, but there is one dominant. 

Pragmatic liberalism as an ideology emerged in medieval European society. European Community at that time largely divided into two, namely the aristocracy and the peasants. The aristocrats are allowed to own land, the feudal class is also a master of political and economic processes, while the farmers located as tenants of land owned by the patron, who must pay taxes and contribute power to the patron. Even in some places in Europe, farmers are not allowed to move to another place that you want without the consent of the patron (nobleman). As a result, they are no more as private property of the patron. In contrast, the welfare of the tenants that should be borne by the patron. Industrial managed in the form of the guilds that strictly regulate how a product is produced, how the number and distribution. Activity was monopolized by the aristocracy. That is, ownership of land by the nobility, the privileges of the church, the political role of the king and the nobility, and the power of the guilds in the economy are other forms of institutionalized domination of the individual. In the context of community development and trade show industry in large scale, having found some new technology. To manage the industry and trade in a massive scale is clearly needed free labor and in the number of lots, room to maneuver freely, greater mobility and freedom to create. New needs that knock on the rules imposed by institutionalized by the feudal class. Which helps new economic groups regardless of difficulty it is to understand the emergence of a liberal. 

Liberalism is not created by traders and industry groups, but was created by an intellectual class that is driven by scientific and artistic restlessness common in those days. Intellectual unrest has been greeted by traders and industry groups, even it is used to justify political demands which limit the power of the nobility, the church and the guilds. They are not intended solely to be able to undertake economic activities freely, but also looking for big profits. Society is best (the best regime), according to the liberal understanding is that enable individuals to develop individual abilities fully. In a good society, all individuals should be able to develop the minds and talents. This requires the individual to be responsible in all actions whether it is something or someone for him. Someone who acts on his own responsibility to develop the ability to act. According to this assumption of liberalism, John Stuart Mill argued that more supportive of government based on liberal democracy. He pointed out the main purpose of politics is to encourage every member of society to be responsible and mature.This can only happen manakalah them participate in making decisions concerning their lives. Therefore, although a king is wise and kind, may be able to make better decisions on behalf of the people from the people themselves, however much better democracy because in a democracy the people make their own decisions for themselves, regardless of whether bad decision.Thus, the characteristics of liberal ideology as follows: 

First, democracy is a better form of government. 
Second, members of the public has full intellectual freedom, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of the press. 
Third, the government only a limited set of community life.Decisions made only a little to the people so that people can learn to make decisions for yourself. 
Fourth, the power of a person against another person is a bad thing. Therefore, the government is run in such a way that the abuse of power can be prevented. In short, power is suspected as being likely to be abused, and therefore, as far as possible be limited. 
Fifth, a society is said to be happy if any individual or individuals most happy. While society as a whole happy, happiness most individuals do not necessarily maximal. Thus, the goodness of a society or regime is measured by how high indivivu successfully develop the abilities and talents. The ideology of liberalism was embraced in Britain and its colonies, including the United States.

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