was cover Education, online shop, contact lens, tea and etc
Friday, December 3, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
NEW BARBIE 15,8 mm
Kini kami menjual Barbie lens dgn diam 15.8m..Softlen buatan dari Japan..
Diameter nya yg besar, membuat mata kamu tampak lebih besar seperti boneka Barbie..
Softlen sangatlah tipis sehingga tdk mengganjal di mata,
Penggunaan u/ 1 tahun
B.C: 8.60mm
Material: HEMA & MMA
Kadar air:48%
1. Apa bedanya Super Nudy Barbie Eye, sama Super Nudy Geo?
>> Bedanya mulai dari diameter Super Nudy Barbie Eye memiliki true diameter 16.00mm (bukan effect yah.), Kadar air yang tinggi 48% jadi nyaman banget dimata, motif (sekilas tampak sama dengan GEO.. tapi berbeda ketika dipakai dimata.)
2. Harganya kok mahal banget yah?
>> Ini buatan Jepang asli. Harga sesuai dengan kualitas, worthed banget. Kualitas buatan Jepang ini emang bagus banget, dan life span untuk lensa ini adalah 1 tahun.
3. Bagaimana dengan pembayaran?
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wajib dimiliki...
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Kadar air 38-42%
Bc 8.40-8.60 mm
pemakaian 1 tahun
happy shopping...
mampir liat2 yah..sis/bro..n.n
Tersedia Plano(tanpa minus) sampai minus 10
Diameter 14mm
Kadar air 38-42%
Bc 8.40-8.60 mm
pemakaian 1 tahun
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
BARBIE Lens 15,8 mm Rp. 185.000 + Free Lens case Animal
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Monday, November 15, 2010
Beauty eyes for FASHIONHOLIC
"Blog Ini Dibuat khusus bagi yang ingin menjadi trendsetter"
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About me:GEO Contact lenses adalah lensa kontak mata yang sangat populer di Jepang & Korea. Sekarang sudah diperoleh di Indonesia.
GEO Merupakan lensa kontak untuk mata agar kamu lebih terlihat fashionable, cantik dan berbeda dengan orang lain. Keren banget dipakai saat pesta, pergi ke mall, ketemuan, kenalan, kuliah, & traveling.
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5. Thanx bngt for shopping at Divine Softlens Shop..n.n
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Sunday, October 24, 2010
The functions of the Legislative Power
The functions of the Legislative Power
The legislature is a political structure whose function is to legislate.At present, the agency called the House of Representatives (Indonesia), House of Representatives (United States), or the House of Commons (UK). The institutions were selected through a mechanism of general elections held periodically and come from political parties.
Through what can we ikhtisarkan of the work of Michael G. Roskin,, contained some of the functions of the legislative power as follows: Lawmaking, Constituency Work, Supervision and Critism Government, Education, and Representation.
Lawmaking is a function of making laws. In Indonesia, the law is known as the Labor Law, the Law on National Education System, Law Teachers Lecturers, Investment Law, and so forth. This law made by Parliament after considering input from the community level.
Constituency Work is a function of the legislature to work for his constituents. A member of Parliament / legislature usually represents between 100,000 s / d 400,000 people in Indnesia. Of course, the people who elected the enormous undertaking of so many people. Therefore, it is important for a legislator to carry out the mandate, which should he voiced at every opportunity when he worked as a member of the board. Weight is not it?
Supervision and Critism of Government, means the legislative function to supervise the implementation of the law by the president / prime minister, and immediately criticize it if there is a discrepancy. In performing this function, the House do so through the hearing, interpellation, questionnaire, and issued a motion to the president / prime minister.
Education is a function of the House to give a good political education to the community. Members of Parliament should set an example that they are merely representative of the people who should maintain the mandate of the electorate. They should always give an understanding to the public on how to implement a good national life. Because, almost every time the media covering their behavior, either through television screens, newspapers, or internet.
Representation, is a function of legislators to represent the voters.As already mentioned, in Indonesia, a member of the council elected by about 300,000 voters. Well, the 300,000 people he should represent its interests in the context of the country. This is based on the concept of representative democracy. Can not imagine if we applied the concept of direct democracy, the Parliament building will be crowded with 300,000 people who come every day to Senayan. I could have destroyed the building.The problem that arises is, board members are still many that are less sensitive to the interests of his constituents. This we can see from there are still many demonstrations that appear on various political issues.
Functions of the Executive Power
Executive powers to implement the laws made by the Legislature.The functions of the executive power of this outline are: Chief of State, Head of Government, Party chief, Commander in chief, chief diplomat, Dispenser of appointments, and Chief legislators.
Executives in the modern era of state is usually occupied by the President or Prime Minister. Chief of State means the head of state, so a President or Prime Minister is to a country, a symbol of a country. Whatever action a President or Prime Minister, means the action of the countries concerned. Function as the head of the country such as evidenced by leading the ceremony, the inauguration of an activity, receiving ambassadors, conflict resolution, and the like.
Head of Government, means the head of government. President or Prime Minister who perform the daily activities of the executive.For example, lifting the ministers, establishing agreements with other countries, involved in the membership of an international institution, signed promissory notes and payment of donors, and the like. Within each country, sometimes occur separation between the functions of head of state with the head of government.
In the UK, heads of state held by the Queen of England, as well as in Japan. In both countries the heads of government held by the Prime Minister. In Indonesia or the United States, heads of state and heads of government held by the President.
Party Chief means a chief executive is also a head of a party that wins the election. Function as the chairman of this party is more prominent in a country which adopts a parliamentary government.In the parliamentary system, the head of government held by the prime minister from the party that wins the election.
However, in countries following the presidential system of government sometimes do not apply such rigid. In the reign of Gus Dur (in Indonesia) demonstrate this. Gus Dur is derived from the party that won only 9% of votes in the 1999 elections, but he became president. In addition, the system of parliamentary government, there is a very strong relationship between executive and legislature by an executive selected because of the composition of the party vote in the election results. In the presidential system, elections to choose members of the council and to elect the president separately.
Commander in Chief is a function of head of the armed forces.President or prime minister is the supreme head of the armed forces. A president or prime minister, despite having no military background have this role. However, sometimes there is friction with the military if the president or prime minister is a person rather than the military.
Once again, this never happened in the era of Gus Dur, where many of the instructions to the military ignored the latter, especially in the sectarian riots (religion) that frequently occur in his administration.
Chief Diplomat, is a function of the executive to head the ambassadors who spread the representatives of countries around the world. In politics John Locke's triad of thought, embodied federative power, the power to establish relations with other countries. Similarly, in the context of the current application of executive power. The Executive is a party that raised ambassador to operate in friendly countries, also received ambassadors from other countries.
Dispenser of Appointment is a function of the executive to sign a treaty with another nation or international institution. In this function, the signatories made by presidents, foreign ministers, cabinet members or others, who are appointed by the president or prime minister.
Chief Legislation, is the executive function to promote the publication of a law. Although the power to make laws in the hands of the House, but within the state system allowed the executive to promote the publication of a law so the real challenge in the implementation of a law can be easily found by those who daily carry out the law.
Judiciary Power Functions
The judicial authorities the power to interpret the contents of the law and impose sanctions for any violation of it. Judiciary functions that can be specified into the list of legal issues the following: Criminal law (petty offense, misdemeanor, felonies); Civil law (marriage, divorce, inheritance, child care); Constitution law (the problem of interpretation seputan kontitusi); Administrative law (the law governing the administration of the state); International law (international treaties).
* Criminal Law completion usually held by a criminal court in Indonesia are tiered, the District Court (the district), the High Court (at the provincial level, and the Supreme Court (national level).
* Civil law is usually resolved in the District Court, but especially Muslims usually held by a religious court.
* Constitution Law is now the solution is occupied by the Constitutional Court. If individuals, groups, questioned the state institutions of a law or decision, made efforts to settle disputes in the Constitutional Court.
* Administrative Law dispute shall be settled in the State Administrative Court, usually land dispute cases, certification, and the like. Meanwhile,
* International Law is not resolved by the judiciary under the control of a country but on behalf of the United Nations (UN).
internasional relationship,
Trias politica , Montesqieu
Montesquieu (1689-1755)
Montesqueieu (real name Secondat Baron de Montesquieu) proposed his political thoughts after reading the works of John Locke. Fruit thoughts contained in magnum opusnya, Spirits of the Laws, published in 1748.
In connection with the concept of separation of powers, Montesquieu wrote as follows: "In every government there are three kinds of power: legislative power, executive power, about the things that pleased with the law between nations, and judicial powers are about things that depend on the law civilian.
With the power, the prince or magistrate issued a law that has been issued. With the second power, he makes peace or war, sends or receives ambassadors, establish public security and prepare to fight the invasion. With a third power, he punishes criminals, or decide disputes between individuals. That this end we call the judiciary, other state executive power. "
Thus, the concept of Trias Politica are referenced by many countries in the world today is a concept that comes from this French thinker. However, this concept continues to experience competition with other control concepts like power of Dynasties (Saudi Arabia), Wilayatul Faqih (Iran), Dictatorship of the Proletariat (North Korea, China, Cuba).
Montesqueieu (real name Secondat Baron de Montesquieu) proposed his political thoughts after reading the works of John Locke. Fruit thoughts contained in magnum opusnya, Spirits of the Laws, published in 1748.
In connection with the concept of separation of powers, Montesquieu wrote as follows: "In every government there are three kinds of power: legislative power, executive power, about the things that pleased with the law between nations, and judicial powers are about things that depend on the law civilian.
With the power, the prince or magistrate issued a law that has been issued. With the second power, he makes peace or war, sends or receives ambassadors, establish public security and prepare to fight the invasion. With a third power, he punishes criminals, or decide disputes between individuals. That this end we call the judiciary, other state executive power. "
Thus, the concept of Trias Politica are referenced by many countries in the world today is a concept that comes from this French thinker. However, this concept continues to experience competition with other control concepts like power of Dynasties (Saudi Arabia), Wilayatul Faqih (Iran), Dictatorship of the Proletariat (North Korea, China, Cuba).
eurooean war I,
trias politica
Trias Politica, john Locke
John Locke (1632-1704)
Thinking about the Trias Politica John Locke is in the Magnum Opus (great work) which he wrote and titled Two treatises of Government, published in 1690. In his work, Locke said that the basic nature of man is "to work (change of nature with his own sweat)" and "has the property (property)." Therefore, both countries should be able to protect people who work and also to protect the property of each person who obtained based on the results of such work. Why Locke wrote this work in such important issues?
In times when Locke's life, belongs to everyone, especially the aristocracy, are in a vulnerable position when faced with the king.Often king arbitrarily acquired belonged to the nobility on the pretext of a wide range. Therefore, not surprisingly, the nobility sometimes make war with the king because persengkataan this property, such as livestock, land, and the castle.
State exists with the primary purpose of protecting private property from attacks other individuals, so the purpose of Locke's version.To meet these objectives, the need for separate power, power that is not solely in the hands of a king / queen. According to Locke, who had separated powers are legislative, executive and federative
Legislative power is the power to make laws. The important thing to be made in the legislation is that people want to peacefully enjoy his property. For the situation of 'peace' would need to rise laws that govern them. However, for John Locke, the people who meant the general public but not the nobility. The common people do not fall within this community structure is defended by him. People's version of Locke's representative is the representative of the nobility to deal with the king / queen of England.
The Executive is the power to carry out the mandate of the law. In this case the executive power in the hands of the king / queen of England. The nobility did not implement their own laws they make, but delivered into the hands of the king / queen.
Federative power relationships are with countries or other kingdoms. This power is similar to the State Department today.This power, among others, to build a league of war, foreign policy alliances, declare war and peace, the appointment of ambassadors, and the like. This power because of reasons of practicality, submitted to the king / queen of England, as the executive power.
From John Locke's political thought can be drawn one conclusion, that the power split of 3, 2 are in the hands of the king / queen and 1 was in the hands of the nobility. Locke's thinking was not fully in accordance with the understanding Trias Politica in the present.Thought Locke then disempurkan by French colleagues, Montesquieu.
Thinking about the Trias Politica John Locke is in the Magnum Opus (great work) which he wrote and titled Two treatises of Government, published in 1690. In his work, Locke said that the basic nature of man is "to work (change of nature with his own sweat)" and "has the property (property)." Therefore, both countries should be able to protect people who work and also to protect the property of each person who obtained based on the results of such work. Why Locke wrote this work in such important issues?
In times when Locke's life, belongs to everyone, especially the aristocracy, are in a vulnerable position when faced with the king.Often king arbitrarily acquired belonged to the nobility on the pretext of a wide range. Therefore, not surprisingly, the nobility sometimes make war with the king because persengkataan this property, such as livestock, land, and the castle.
State exists with the primary purpose of protecting private property from attacks other individuals, so the purpose of Locke's version.To meet these objectives, the need for separate power, power that is not solely in the hands of a king / queen. According to Locke, who had separated powers are legislative, executive and federative
Legislative power is the power to make laws. The important thing to be made in the legislation is that people want to peacefully enjoy his property. For the situation of 'peace' would need to rise laws that govern them. However, for John Locke, the people who meant the general public but not the nobility. The common people do not fall within this community structure is defended by him. People's version of Locke's representative is the representative of the nobility to deal with the king / queen of England.
The Executive is the power to carry out the mandate of the law. In this case the executive power in the hands of the king / queen of England. The nobility did not implement their own laws they make, but delivered into the hands of the king / queen.
Federative power relationships are with countries or other kingdoms. This power is similar to the State Department today.This power, among others, to build a league of war, foreign policy alliances, declare war and peace, the appointment of ambassadors, and the like. This power because of reasons of practicality, submitted to the king / queen of England, as the executive power.
From John Locke's political thought can be drawn one conclusion, that the power split of 3, 2 are in the hands of the king / queen and 1 was in the hands of the nobility. Locke's thinking was not fully in accordance with the understanding Trias Politica in the present.Thought Locke then disempurkan by French colleagues, Montesquieu.
internasional relationship,
john locke,
trias politica
Monday, October 11, 2010
Level of analysis
At least there are two kinds of ranking analysis that can be used to determine what should be observed, namely the unit of analysis and explanation unit. The unit of analysis merupkan something whose behavior would be described, explained, and predicted. In other words, the unit of analysis can also be referred to as the dependent variable, the variable whose existence is affected by other variables. Meanwhile, units of explanation is something that the impact on the unit of analysis would be observed. For that, the unit can also be referred to as explanatory independent variables, ie variables whose existence affects the dependent variable (Mas'oed 1990: 35; Silalahi 2006: 122-123; Suyanto & Sutinah 2005: 48-49). Thus, the explanation unit determines the dynamics that occur within the unit of analysis.
Furthermore, Patrick Morgan made five classification levels of analysis that can be used to understand the behavior of actors in international relations, namely the level of individual analysis, groups of individuals, nation states, nation-state groups, and the international system (Mas'oed 1999: 40-42) .
1. Individual-level analysis, the phenomenon of international relations is basically reflected by the interaction behavior of individuals within them. To understand the reality of international relations, required an assessment of attitudes and behavior of the main character's decision makers, such as heads of state or government, foreign ministers, security advisors, and so forth.
2. Level Group Analysis of Individuals, what happens in international relations is an accumulation of individual actions within a specific group or organization. Thus, the phenomenon of international relations is seen as a relationship between the various groups of individuals in various countries. To understand international relations required the assessment of the behavior of groups of individuals and organizations involved in international relations, such as the cabinet in the administration, security advisory council, bureaucratic organizations, departments or government agencies, and so forth.
3. Nation-state level of analysis, the basic assumption of this analysis is that all levels of decision makers, wherever located, will behave the same if faced with similar situations as well. Thus, the fact that there is in international relations is reflected by the behavior of nation-states, which have been considered as the dominant actor in international relations. Therefore, to understand international relations required the assessment of decision-making process concerning international relations, especially the foreign policy of a country. In other words, the level of analysis looks at the nation-state as a whole unit.
4. Level Group Analysis of State-nation, nation-states often make international actions are not alone, but sometimes as a group. Thus, the phenomenon of international relations is reflected as an interaction between groups of nation-states that joined in certain patterns and groupings, such as alliances, regional economic bloc, bloc ideology, or groupings within the UN, and so forth.
5. Level Analysis of International System, basically nation-states and other actors in international relations is a unit contained within a larger system, namely the international system. All actors interasional relations act and interact in the system. Thus, according to the level of this analysis, the dynamics that occur in the international system affect the behavior of the actors of international relations that exist therein. Larger systems have determined the behavior of actors as the smallest unit in the system. Therefore, to understand the reality of international relations required the assessment of the system itself and make generalizations about the system as a whole, so that could explain the behavior of actors within international relations.
From this it can be concluded that there are five units of analysis containing five units of explanation as well, namely the individual level, the level of individual group, nation-state level, the level of nation-state groups, and the international system or global level.
Furthermore, Patrick Morgan made five classification levels of analysis that can be used to understand the behavior of actors in international relations, namely the level of individual analysis, groups of individuals, nation states, nation-state groups, and the international system (Mas'oed 1999: 40-42) .
1. Individual-level analysis, the phenomenon of international relations is basically reflected by the interaction behavior of individuals within them. To understand the reality of international relations, required an assessment of attitudes and behavior of the main character's decision makers, such as heads of state or government, foreign ministers, security advisors, and so forth.
2. Level Group Analysis of Individuals, what happens in international relations is an accumulation of individual actions within a specific group or organization. Thus, the phenomenon of international relations is seen as a relationship between the various groups of individuals in various countries. To understand international relations required the assessment of the behavior of groups of individuals and organizations involved in international relations, such as the cabinet in the administration, security advisory council, bureaucratic organizations, departments or government agencies, and so forth.
3. Nation-state level of analysis, the basic assumption of this analysis is that all levels of decision makers, wherever located, will behave the same if faced with similar situations as well. Thus, the fact that there is in international relations is reflected by the behavior of nation-states, which have been considered as the dominant actor in international relations. Therefore, to understand international relations required the assessment of decision-making process concerning international relations, especially the foreign policy of a country. In other words, the level of analysis looks at the nation-state as a whole unit.
4. Level Group Analysis of State-nation, nation-states often make international actions are not alone, but sometimes as a group. Thus, the phenomenon of international relations is reflected as an interaction between groups of nation-states that joined in certain patterns and groupings, such as alliances, regional economic bloc, bloc ideology, or groupings within the UN, and so forth.
5. Level Analysis of International System, basically nation-states and other actors in international relations is a unit contained within a larger system, namely the international system. All actors interasional relations act and interact in the system. Thus, according to the level of this analysis, the dynamics that occur in the international system affect the behavior of the actors of international relations that exist therein. Larger systems have determined the behavior of actors as the smallest unit in the system. Therefore, to understand the reality of international relations required the assessment of the system itself and make generalizations about the system as a whole, so that could explain the behavior of actors within international relations.
From this it can be concluded that there are five units of analysis containing five units of explanation as well, namely the individual level, the level of individual group, nation-state level, the level of nation-state groups, and the international system or global level.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Classical liberal economic system
The economic system is a classical liberal economics and political philosophy. At first discovered in a tradition of lighting or waivers that are limiting the boundaries of power and political power, which describes the sustaining freedom individu.Theory also be freeing the individual to act as they pleased according to their self-interest and allow all individuals to do the job without restrictions that will be required to produce the best results, which cateris paribus, or in other words, presents an object with a minimum limit can be attractive and liked by the public (consumers).
Sensible line of liberal economics has never been practiced by the schools in Austria with the form of an open democratic society. Understand liberali mostly used by countries in continental Europe and America. Just as in the UNITED STATES, recognizable liberal leftism as mild estabilished.
About the liberal economic
Liberal economic characteristics
* All sources of production are owned by individual communities.
* Society has given freedom in production resources.
* The government does not intervene directly in economic activities.
* Community is divided into two groups, namely group owner of productive resources and community workers (laborers).
* Incurred competition in society, especially in making profit.
* Activities are always considering the market situation.
* The market economy is the basis for any action.
* Usually the goods produced high-quality production.
Advantages and disadvantages of a liberal economy
There are several advantages of a liberal economic system, namely:
* Grow initiative and the creation of society in regulating economic activity, because people no longer need to wait for a command / command from the government.
* Each individual has free resources for production, which will encourage community participation in the economy.
* Incurred competition to get ahead of community spirit.
* Produce high-quality goods, because of the spirit of competition between communities.
* Efficiency and effectiveness is high, because every action is based economy motive for profit.
In addition there are advantages, there are also some weaknesses rather than a liberal economic system, are:
* The occurrence of free competition that is not healthy.
* Community-rich getting richer, the poor poorer.
* Many of the public monopoly.
* A lot of upheaval in the economy due to misallocation of resources by individuals.
* Equity income is difficult, because the competition is free.
Application of liberal economics
Countries that embrace liberal in the American continent is the United States, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Canada, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Venezuela Paraguay.Uruguay. Today, less than liberalism also danut by country Aruba, Dominican Republic, Greenland, Grenada, Costa Rica, and Suriname
United States
Liberal in the United States (U.S.) called modern liberalism or the new liberalism. Now the political in the U.S. to admit, that the understanding of classical liberalism is related to a broad range of individual freedom. But they reject the laissez faire economic nature or classical liberalism that led to the unification of government interventionism in the form of social and economic equality. Generally, it was agreed during the first decade of the 20th century that the goal of achieving a political hegemony in negeri.Tapi, success begins to degenerate and disappear in about tahun1970's. At that time the liberal consensus has been faced with a death-blow or a form of collapse of the Bretton Woods system of government is due to Ronald Reagan's victory in the presidential election of 1980, which makes liberalism a strong current in U.S. politics in that year.
U.S. liberalism began to rise at the beginning of the 20th century as an alternative to real politics, which is the dominant interaction imternasional at that time. President Franklin Roosevelt who at the time was a sensible self-proclaimed liberal, offers the nation toward a new success by building a collaborative institution that berpendukungan American people themselves and promised to pull the U.S. out of the huge pressure. To anticipate the end of World War II, Roosevelt designed the (UN) as an instrument of hope for mutual cooperation rather than making war threats and the use of force to solve international political problems. Roosevelt also used the agency (UN) to enter the African people who live in America into the U.S. military as well as make the agency the right support and the truth of the women, as the emphasis on individual freedom which in turn followed by President John F. Kennedy to the construction of the statue Liberty (1964) as a symbol of individual freedom to live.
Statue of Liberty in New York, as a symbol of individual freedom
Actually, liberalism adopted by the United States, as emphasized by Wilson and Roosevelt is by emphasizing cooperation and mutual collaboration and individual effort, not by making threats and coercion as to solving political problems both inside and outside, apparently embraced by the current U.S. president This, George w Bush. A liberal in the U.S. it might be like political institutions and procedures that encourage economic freedom, protecting the weak from aggression by the powerful, and freedom from social norms are limiting. Because since World War II, liberalism in the U.S. have been associated with modern liberalism, classical liberalism ideology substitutes understand.
As action and reaction of the opposition of communism, Europe make a political understanding which berterminologi (including "socialism" and "social democracy"). But, they can not choose the United States with pahamnya it, because at that time Europe has not so familiar with liberalism adopted by the U.S.. But several years later before Europe realizes that liberalism embraced by the U.S.. That prompted Europe to a separate individual freedom that ultimately improve their own economic circumstances. Liberalism in Europe has a strong tradition. In European countries, liberals tend to call themselves as liberals, or as a democratic radical centrists.
Saxon countries such as liberal namely Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bilgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, and others.
Countries that embrace liberal in Asia include India, Iran, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Thailand and Turkey. Today many countries in Asia that began sensible liberal, include Hong Kong and Singapore.Kepulanan Oceania
State adopts liberal in the islands of Oceania is Australia and New Zealand.
Liberal economic system is still relatively new in Africa. Basically, liberalism only embraced by those who lived in Egypt, Senegal and South Africa.
People of liberal inventor
Niccolò Machiavelli
Niccolò Machiavelli (Florence, 1469-1527), is a character best known for its liberal views, Il Principe. He is the founder of realist political philosophy that supports the government of the Republic, the state army, division of power, protection of personal property, and restraining government spending as the freedom of a republic. He wrote extensively on the needs of individuals as an important characteristic as a stable government. He argued that the best individual freedom still needs to be protected by the government. And that people who can lead the law correctly only people who are all ambition and selfishness can be eliminated in maintaining the freedom of its own. He argues that realism is the central idea of the political class and give priority to freedom of the republic (individuals) under the principle.
Anti-static liberals see the main messages of Machiavelli's say that he was speaking on behalf of a strong state under a strong leader, who uses any intention to establish its position, while liberalism is an ideology of individual freedom and voluntary choices or optional. Some of her work is Il Principe and the Discorsi Sopra la -1513 Prima Deca di Tito Livio, 1512-1517.
Desiderius Erasmus
Desiderius Erasmus (Dutch, 1466-1536) was a prominent liberal who is known as being inhumane. He said that the community Erasmusian across Europe to some extent in response to the upheavals of reform. He is dealing with freedom of wills. In his De Libero Arbitrio Collatio Diatribe Sive (1524), he studied with the ingenuity and genius to remove the limitations of life as a statement of human freedom. Some of her work LOF d Zotheid, 1509 and De Libero Arbitrio Collatio Diatribe Sive, 1524.
Sensible line of liberal economics has never been practiced by the schools in Austria with the form of an open democratic society. Understand liberali mostly used by countries in continental Europe and America. Just as in the UNITED STATES, recognizable liberal leftism as mild estabilished.
About the liberal economic
Liberal economic characteristics
* All sources of production are owned by individual communities.
* Society has given freedom in production resources.
* The government does not intervene directly in economic activities.
* Community is divided into two groups, namely group owner of productive resources and community workers (laborers).
* Incurred competition in society, especially in making profit.
* Activities are always considering the market situation.
* The market economy is the basis for any action.
* Usually the goods produced high-quality production.
Advantages and disadvantages of a liberal economy
There are several advantages of a liberal economic system, namely:
* Grow initiative and the creation of society in regulating economic activity, because people no longer need to wait for a command / command from the government.
* Each individual has free resources for production, which will encourage community participation in the economy.
* Incurred competition to get ahead of community spirit.
* Produce high-quality goods, because of the spirit of competition between communities.
* Efficiency and effectiveness is high, because every action is based economy motive for profit.
In addition there are advantages, there are also some weaknesses rather than a liberal economic system, are:
* The occurrence of free competition that is not healthy.
* Community-rich getting richer, the poor poorer.
* Many of the public monopoly.
* A lot of upheaval in the economy due to misallocation of resources by individuals.
* Equity income is difficult, because the competition is free.
Application of liberal economics
Countries that embrace liberal in the American continent is the United States, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Canada, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Venezuela Paraguay.Uruguay. Today, less than liberalism also danut by country Aruba, Dominican Republic, Greenland, Grenada, Costa Rica, and Suriname
United States
Liberal in the United States (U.S.) called modern liberalism or the new liberalism. Now the political in the U.S. to admit, that the understanding of classical liberalism is related to a broad range of individual freedom. But they reject the laissez faire economic nature or classical liberalism that led to the unification of government interventionism in the form of social and economic equality. Generally, it was agreed during the first decade of the 20th century that the goal of achieving a political hegemony in negeri.Tapi, success begins to degenerate and disappear in about tahun1970's. At that time the liberal consensus has been faced with a death-blow or a form of collapse of the Bretton Woods system of government is due to Ronald Reagan's victory in the presidential election of 1980, which makes liberalism a strong current in U.S. politics in that year.
U.S. liberalism began to rise at the beginning of the 20th century as an alternative to real politics, which is the dominant interaction imternasional at that time. President Franklin Roosevelt who at the time was a sensible self-proclaimed liberal, offers the nation toward a new success by building a collaborative institution that berpendukungan American people themselves and promised to pull the U.S. out of the huge pressure. To anticipate the end of World War II, Roosevelt designed the (UN) as an instrument of hope for mutual cooperation rather than making war threats and the use of force to solve international political problems. Roosevelt also used the agency (UN) to enter the African people who live in America into the U.S. military as well as make the agency the right support and the truth of the women, as the emphasis on individual freedom which in turn followed by President John F. Kennedy to the construction of the statue Liberty (1964) as a symbol of individual freedom to live.
Statue of Liberty in New York, as a symbol of individual freedom
Actually, liberalism adopted by the United States, as emphasized by Wilson and Roosevelt is by emphasizing cooperation and mutual collaboration and individual effort, not by making threats and coercion as to solving political problems both inside and outside, apparently embraced by the current U.S. president This, George w Bush. A liberal in the U.S. it might be like political institutions and procedures that encourage economic freedom, protecting the weak from aggression by the powerful, and freedom from social norms are limiting. Because since World War II, liberalism in the U.S. have been associated with modern liberalism, classical liberalism ideology substitutes understand.
As action and reaction of the opposition of communism, Europe make a political understanding which berterminologi (including "socialism" and "social democracy"). But, they can not choose the United States with pahamnya it, because at that time Europe has not so familiar with liberalism adopted by the U.S.. But several years later before Europe realizes that liberalism embraced by the U.S.. That prompted Europe to a separate individual freedom that ultimately improve their own economic circumstances. Liberalism in Europe has a strong tradition. In European countries, liberals tend to call themselves as liberals, or as a democratic radical centrists.
Saxon countries such as liberal namely Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bilgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, and others.
Countries that embrace liberal in Asia include India, Iran, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Thailand and Turkey. Today many countries in Asia that began sensible liberal, include Hong Kong and Singapore.Kepulanan Oceania
State adopts liberal in the islands of Oceania is Australia and New Zealand.
Liberal economic system is still relatively new in Africa. Basically, liberalism only embraced by those who lived in Egypt, Senegal and South Africa.
People of liberal inventor
Niccolò Machiavelli
Niccolò Machiavelli (Florence, 1469-1527), is a character best known for its liberal views, Il Principe. He is the founder of realist political philosophy that supports the government of the Republic, the state army, division of power, protection of personal property, and restraining government spending as the freedom of a republic. He wrote extensively on the needs of individuals as an important characteristic as a stable government. He argued that the best individual freedom still needs to be protected by the government. And that people who can lead the law correctly only people who are all ambition and selfishness can be eliminated in maintaining the freedom of its own. He argues that realism is the central idea of the political class and give priority to freedom of the republic (individuals) under the principle.
Anti-static liberals see the main messages of Machiavelli's say that he was speaking on behalf of a strong state under a strong leader, who uses any intention to establish its position, while liberalism is an ideology of individual freedom and voluntary choices or optional. Some of her work is Il Principe and the Discorsi Sopra la -1513 Prima Deca di Tito Livio, 1512-1517.
Desiderius Erasmus
Desiderius Erasmus (Dutch, 1466-1536) was a prominent liberal who is known as being inhumane. He said that the community Erasmusian across Europe to some extent in response to the upheavals of reform. He is dealing with freedom of wills. In his De Libero Arbitrio Collatio Diatribe Sive (1524), he studied with the ingenuity and genius to remove the limitations of life as a statement of human freedom. Some of her work LOF d Zotheid, 1509 and De Libero Arbitrio Collatio Diatribe Sive, 1524.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Pragmatic Liberalism as an Ideology
Pragmatic Liberalism as an Ideology
In social sciences there are two terms of ideology, that ideology is functionally and structurally. Ideology is functionally defined as a set of ideas about the common good, or about society and the state is considered the most good, while ideology is structurally defined as a system of justification, such as ideas and political formula for each of the policies and actions taken by the authorities.According to the structural approach to the conflict, which has a class of its own material production facilities have the means of mental production, such as ideas, culture and law. The idea of the ruling class any time and anywhere is the dominant idea. Ideas, culture, law and so aware or does not constitute justification for the party that has a material interest of the dominant idea. The system is called ideological justification.
Ideology in the functional sense can be described briefly with examples. In the United States, ensuring national security means a significant increase in the production of weaponry is also advantageous weapons industries. Increased agricultural growth means increased production of fertilizers and other chemicals, which means profitable industries and chemical fertilizer. For the sake of national stability in developing countries often means reducing the political freedoms of citizens. Ideology in the functional sense in the typology classified in two types, namely the ideology of doctrinal and pragmatic ideology.
A doctrinaire ideology can be classified if the doctrines contained in the ideology that was formulated in a systematic and detailed with a clear, indoctrinated to community members, and their implementation is closely monitored by party officials or government officials. Usually the value system or ideology that is permitted to live in a society like this is just a doctrinaire ideology.However, if the teachings contained in the ideology is not formulated in a systematic and detailed, but is formulated in general (principles only), the ideology is classified as pragmatic ideology. In this case, ideology was not indoctrinated, but functionally socialized through family life, education system, economic system, religious life and political system. On that basis, its implementation is not monitored by the party or government officials, but by institutional arrangements. That is, anyone who does not conform to the values embodied in the ideology will not live naturally. Liberalism is an example of pragmatic ideology.Usually no one ideology that is allowed to grow in this community, but there is one dominant.
Pragmatic liberalism as an ideology emerged in medieval European society. European Community at that time largely divided into two, namely the aristocracy and the peasants. The aristocrats are allowed to own land, the feudal class is also a master of political and economic processes, while the farmers located as tenants of land owned by the patron, who must pay taxes and contribute power to the patron. Even in some places in Europe, farmers are not allowed to move to another place that you want without the consent of the patron (nobleman). As a result, they are no more as private property of the patron. In contrast, the welfare of the tenants that should be borne by the patron. Industrial managed in the form of the guilds that strictly regulate how a product is produced, how the number and distribution. Activity was monopolized by the aristocracy. That is, ownership of land by the nobility, the privileges of the church, the political role of the king and the nobility, and the power of the guilds in the economy are other forms of institutionalized domination of the individual. In the context of community development and trade show industry in large scale, having found some new technology. To manage the industry and trade in a massive scale is clearly needed free labor and in the number of lots, room to maneuver freely, greater mobility and freedom to create. New needs that knock on the rules imposed by institutionalized by the feudal class. Which helps new economic groups regardless of difficulty it is to understand the emergence of a liberal.
Liberalism is not created by traders and industry groups, but was created by an intellectual class that is driven by scientific and artistic restlessness common in those days. Intellectual unrest has been greeted by traders and industry groups, even it is used to justify political demands which limit the power of the nobility, the church and the guilds. They are not intended solely to be able to undertake economic activities freely, but also looking for big profits. Society is best (the best regime), according to the liberal understanding is that enable individuals to develop individual abilities fully. In a good society, all individuals should be able to develop the minds and talents. This requires the individual to be responsible in all actions whether it is something or someone for him. Someone who acts on his own responsibility to develop the ability to act. According to this assumption of liberalism, John Stuart Mill argued that more supportive of government based on liberal democracy. He pointed out the main purpose of politics is to encourage every member of society to be responsible and mature.This can only happen manakalah them participate in making decisions concerning their lives. Therefore, although a king is wise and kind, may be able to make better decisions on behalf of the people from the people themselves, however much better democracy because in a democracy the people make their own decisions for themselves, regardless of whether bad decision.Thus, the characteristics of liberal ideology as follows:
First, democracy is a better form of government.
Second, members of the public has full intellectual freedom, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of the press.
Third, the government only a limited set of community life.Decisions made only a little to the people so that people can learn to make decisions for yourself.
Fourth, the power of a person against another person is a bad thing. Therefore, the government is run in such a way that the abuse of power can be prevented. In short, power is suspected as being likely to be abused, and therefore, as far as possible be limited.
Fifth, a society is said to be happy if any individual or individuals most happy. While society as a whole happy, happiness most individuals do not necessarily maximal. Thus, the goodness of a society or regime is measured by how high indivivu successfully develop the abilities and talents. The ideology of liberalism was embraced in Britain and its colonies, including the United States.
Beginning with a historical study of international relations which exist between World War I and II, realism emerged as a mainstream approach to international relations due to the imperfections of the idealist approach, particularly the discussion of 'war'. Idealists thinkers approach is weak because it was too disparaging 'power,' and too flattering high human rationality, even believing that the nation state has a large chopping so many common interests for the sake of solving the 'scourge' of war.Debates about the problems of power, rationality, common interests and the war, began to emerge during the new generation of realism (EH Carr, HJ Morgenthau, Reinhold Niebuhr, Frederick Schuman, George Kennan, et al.) In the late 1930s, where they emphasize kemaha expansion of 'power' and natural-political struggle between nations.
Actually thought they had started since the days of Thucydides (The Melian Dialogue, 460-406BC), N. Machiavelli (1496-1527), T.Hobbes (1588-1679) and J.J. Rousseau (1712-78), the so-called classic-realism. Classical realism offers the concept of raison d'etat (state excuse), where the state has a pretext to protect his country [As military doctrine of pre-emptative U.S. strike post-Cold War containment]. This arises from the assumption that the international environment is not there a 'superior,' do not exist only a higher power who can manage the entire population of the world.While each country will always try to maximize their own national interests. This anarchic world conditions that make the "Balance of Power 'is so important to be maintained, certainly with a code of ethics of international law (West version) as a consensus. For that, Meinecke said, countries need to strengthen and nourish itself as the first step. But Machavelli also suggested that countries should not sacrifice its own interests in an international meet since the real ethical realism view of universal moral principles that do not exist, although at the domestic level, realist still expect the existence of political ethics which guarantees the internal strength of the state.'Raison d'etat' is what eventually became the precursor of a double standard.
Keep in mind that in this flow, the state is considered as the main actor and the only legitimate in conducting relations between nations, and the role of statesman becomes incredibly important in the recommendation of the realist thinkers. Meanwhile also, a lot of criticism addressed in this approach. Serious questions like, whether this approach will be 'long live' in international relations?and What is classical realism is able to understand and apply to the present? raises as many different answers. By karen, most contemporary international relations theorists see that the center of gravity of the discipline of international relations will soon (currently) switch to neo-liberalism, a trend that approach may be suitable for use in analyzing the state of post-cold war world.
The essence of Realism
In the discourse of classical and modern realism there will be a triangle of understanding 'Triple S', namely 'Statism', 'Survival' and 'Self-help'. Statism is the focus of realism, where there are two 'claim' kestatisan dynamic in relations between nations. First, in theory, in world politics, the state is the main actor and all the other actors do not have a comparable level of significance with the state. Secondly, 'sovereignty' country became independent marker of the political community, where he has the legal authority in the region. Note however that this has imperfections by empirical analysis, in which the perpetrators of international relations is not only the country but also other institutions with the agreement / consensus holders of the status quo (winner of World War II) [see hegemonic stability theory], then also the fact that sovereignty and power is not always in the hands of the people, for the sake of domestic stability. Likewise, normative analysis [Normativitas are still rooted in the understanding liberal-secular/capitalism], where the state itself was not able to overcome the collective global problems such as hunger, poverty and reduced food reserves of the world, environmental degradation, and human rights violations.
Survival, the main purpose of organizing the state is to maintain order in public life, this is the largest national interest that must be realized every political leader. Political leaders are likewise the one who will determine the attitude of his country in his views on international security and cooperation, whether offensive or deffensive. And economic interests, cultural, as well as others merely considered as part of 'low politics'. In order to organize the country's security as well, leaders must enforce code of ethics that are used to judge actions of a person / an institution, which is based on the consequences thereof, is not based on whether or not such action. -Even if there is a universal moral, for the realist politician, this only applies in certain communities. Of course, this view still has a weakness, namely the limitations that are not clear, until which the state must act in order to meet the needs of survival earlier.
Self-help, realist thinkers assume that there will be no single country in the world who can guarantee our existence is structurally both at domestic and international (security dilemma - although not all the conflict, both domestically and internationally due to the security dilemma, will but has historically caused more by the state 'predator'). In international politics it is impossible to have ties of friendship, trust, and honor that logic will reduce the power gain of a state. What's happening is the uncertainty caused by the absence of global government. The concept of co-existence posed by the security dilemma is only obtained through the maintenance of balance of power, which itself is not static balance. And the limited cooperation that will be done only if the state wanted something more from other countries. It is worth realizing that there is also criticism that self-help is not something inevitable for a world without a single authority the power, but rather is a strategy that was chosen to be played by state actors.
Because in fact, there are countries that prefer to join a collective security system or in the form of regional integration. It is suspected the current world political conditions that gave rise to institutions / international organizations such the WTO, the United Nations and its offshoots is a sign of the triumph of liberalism approach, although the realism and Western liberalism still refer to one of interest (preservation of the status quo culture secular liberal capitalism).
Variations Realism
There are difficulties in gaining consensus in the literature that have been there, about the meaning of Realism in a coherent theory [although Keohane (1989) and Gilpin (1986) in his study had found the collective core values in realism, which views the state as an actor, state as rationality , state as a power Maximizer]. Indeed there are differences in the types of Realism have good reason to deliberately classified.
The first classification is based on the time of its appearance, namely classical realism (until the 20th century), modern realism (1939-79), and neo-realism (1979-till now). But this kind of division does not provide a solution to the differences that exist in the minds of one period, for example disagreement thinkers of classical realism about the causes of war. The second classification is based on the themes that carried, RBJ Walker, making permbedaan between 'historical or practical realism' with structural realism (1993). Differentiation resumed after analyzing the writings of Thomas Hobbes, appeared a new type of realism, namely the Liberal realism.
Realism historical / practical emphasize the understanding that the 'principle' is under 'policies', the ability of the main leaders of the country is to accept, implement (adaptation) and changing the configuration of political power in world politics. And realism be state licensed to perform actions in order to meet the needs of survival. The main character of historical realism is Machiavelli (Il Prince, 1532), and EH Carr (The Twenty years crisis 1919-1939, 1939) [Robert Ashley distinguish again between Machiavelli as the realism of practice and EH Carr as realism technique].
Structural realism see realism as a permanent condition of conflict or preparation for conflict. There are two wings here, the first wing digadangi by Thucydides (The Peloponnesian War, 400BC) and HJ Morgenthau (Politics Among Nations, 1948), which stresses that human nature itself that is the structure, while the law, justice, and society is not so considered. The second wing is represented by J.J. Rousseau (The State of War, 1750) and Kenneth Waltz (Theory of International Politics, 1979) who believe that anarchy is a structure that causes fear, jealousy, doubt and insecurity so that the shape and force state behavior [Keohane (Theory of World Politics , 1989: 40) states that the structuralist Waltzian (Rousseau was not included in it) is neo-realism itself.]. Meanwhile, Thomas Hobbes (Leviathan, 1651) and Hedley Bull (The Anarchial Society, 1977) offers a liberal realism that refuses pessimism of structuralist and praxis, where the condition anakhi (State of War) can be reduced by adjusting the value of the risk of power among state leaders through construction of ground rules for coexistence of their own.
kenneth waltz,
The birth of Marxism / Communism and the core teachings
Marxism / Communism was born from the context of European industrial society of the 19th century, with all the injustices, human exploitation that particular class / working class. According to Marx's analysis, the conditions and technical possibilities are growing and changing industrial production processes, but the organizational structure of production processes and community structure remained at the old rate which is determined by class interests. So, many people who needed to work, but few who drove the process of production and profit. Because the real purpose of human work is the master of nature itself and realize its own ideals, resulting in alienation of human dignity and of the fruits / results of its work. Because of human alienation from his hasi occur in large numbers (of mass) and global, the solution must also be collective and global.
Understanding self-Marxism is not a new philosophy (according to Marx, philosophy just busy interpreting the history and reality), but intend to change their philosophy (with the aim of changing the history and reality). Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx in 1847 declared a "Communist manifesto" in which the system of capitalism fought without compromise. The oppressed, especially the proletariat (the workers) should be empowered, and those who should be the subject of a revolutionary history to change the system of society into a just society, without classes (classless society), so even without any state (stateless society): socialism / communism . Wealth and the means of production should be owned not by a minority / upper class in person, but by the nation as a collective. Every individual here get parts no longer based on social status, kapitalnya or services, but according to his needs.
Philosophy of life or "weltanschauung" Marxism is atheism. First of all atheism is to be understood from the context of the birth of Marxism, where the mainly Protestant Christian church failed to respond to social challenges that emerged in the 19th century in Europe. When Marx spoke of religion as "opium for the people" - especially in front of his eyes is a religion like Christianity Protestant pietism movement which prioritized the "salvation of the soul" someone and not care about the social and political conditions. Karl Marx suffered form of religion that only stabilize the status quo and in alliance with the rulers of his day. God manipulated to legitimize power structures and political systems-capitalist. However, communist atheism is not just the result of socio-political context of the 19th century, but developed into an anti-religious ideology. In the dialogue between communism and religion are held in pelbagi form especially in the sixties of the 20th century, some communists did admit that religion can also be a factor of liberation and social justice, but the establishment of an atheist is never questioned. For Marxism, religion is a human projection (Feuerbach), and only reflect the power structures of society. Man must free itself from all dependence and authority, whether human or divine.
According to Marxism Ethics, ethical norms held by a society or a particular class, not the values that bedasarkan statement / divine revelation or eternal laws, but rather reflects and is rooted in material conditions of society. Therefore, state and community structure must be changed (eg from the class / group to a socialist society), so that nations and people (as represented by the proletariat) can develop all their potential and possibilities - which so far only been exploited for the interests of the class above - for "safety" the entire nation. Here appears anthropology (picture of man) of Marxism is very optimistic. Humans are part of nature, that through the work of human nature can be controlled, modified and used as human property. Man through his work over matter (materialism). This is not an individual process, but the collective processes that serve community needs. This process occurs not by evolutionary, but rather through the emergence of contradictions in society are resolved in a revolutionary way to achieve new levels of history (dialectical materialism). Human nature to be fulfilled through the process of the society, where all separation between humans (class, country, etc..) Abolished. Because humans themselves are the subject of an intrinsic change (which is growing at a revolutionary), finally man is the creator and redeemer himself.
Here comes a very large gap between theory and practice of Marxism, the ideology of communism and socialism real ". State the first to apply the system of communism was the Soviet Union, 1917 under the leadership of Lenin (... Stalin, Krushev ... Brezhnev, Gorbachev) , and many other countries that take part, until after World War II, the world is divided into two: the "capitalist" and "communist world" are hostile to each other in the "cold war". In fact there is a shared state, such as South Korea and North Korea or West Germany and East Germany. We were able to see some examples, where the social values of communism is realized with a convincing way, but in general we can say that the values that ultimately prove myself that can not be realized in the political system in a way that benefit society. Rather, social values are often sacrificed for political interests and power in national and international context.
Post Modernism
Other conceptual framework "discussed today is that post-modernism. The idea is to believe in the arbitrary nature of modernity. This subscribes the idea that modernity is not a model and just an example that shaped the political system. Post-modernism also dismissed the idea of historical progress, saying that history does not move forward or backward. Because of the assumption that nothing is necessary, post-modernists believe that the existing arrangements are only made by humans, and what is understood as the truth is actually a choice "" created by a predecessor. Theorists such as Foucault also argues that reality is a social construction, and that people create and build the confidence and behavior. Language, conceptual frameworks and paradigms are also believed to form the world through very spread their ideas. Every time people believe and act on these ideas, the fact is emphasized by the next they will be built.
. A key by-product of this argument is that identity is one of the "more intimate" forms of social construction imposed on individuals. This has a profound influence on the fate and life of an individual, group and society, because it is often associated with problems such as intra-war, persecution and inter-state minority and majority policy privileges. The 1980s and 1990s has highlighted the concerns of various post-modernists such as the need for identity and their impact on human rights. Emphasis on discourse theory is also important in the way countries have attempted to adopt and project their legitimacy. This is especially true because the vast influence of communication and media.
The argument against Post-Modernism
Criticism of post-modernism, but the theory says it has a amoralism "base" with the rejection of any moral principles in general. They also do not agree with the theory of an inability to provide substantial explanations of historical events and ignore the more material processes of production, social relations and everyday life. A more serious criticism is that the social construction of modernism post-fundamentally flawed and that the theory itself produces a self-contradiction. Vasquez argues that if every idea is a social construction and nothing is permanent is true, then the world view of post-modernism is also a social construction, and therefore also temporal.
Impact of Post-Modernism Today
The post-modernist notion of identity as a social construction has a significant impact on the political climate today. This is mainly because has spawned the idea of creating a country, which consists of a community of people bound by common ancestry, but that does not have a geographical area to form a state. last year has seen the political activities of these countries, such as the Kurds and Tibetans, who seek the establishment of the state, but has rejected the constitutional sovereignty of their geographical master.
Post-modernism has, however inadequate in dealing with other urgent issues in international relations as a result of its ahistorical stance, for example, it ignores the history of Singapore from Malaysia and other chronological events in the current bilateral dispute. Post-modernism also ignores the problem of materials such as trade benefits as expressed by the United States treatment of the human rights situation in China.
As can be seen from the analysis of the various schools of thought, the study of international relations can not be limited to only one appropriate for each school. It is through combining various ideas and theories that one can obtain a more coherent picture of the scene of international relations, and therefore understand the various nuances and complexities.
Conflict Theory
Conflict theory is a theory that views that social change does not occur through a process of adjustment of the values that bring change, but due to the conflicts that produce compromises that are different from its original state. This theory is based on the ownership of the means of production as the principal element of the separation of classes in society. Conflict theory emerged as a reaction to the emergence of structural functional theory. Thinking of the most influential or the basis of the theory of conflict is the thinking of Karl Marx. In the 1950s and 1960s, the theory of conflict broke out. Conflict theory provides an alternative to structural functional theory. At that time, Marx filed a fundamental conception of society and class struggle. Marx did not define the class at length but he showed that in society, in the 19th century in Europe where he lived, composed of the class of capital owners (bourgeoisie) and the poor working class as the proletariat. Both these classes are in a hierarchical social structure, the bourgeoisie against the proletariat exploitation in the production process. This exploitation will continue to run during pseudo-consciousness exists (false consiousness) within the proletariat, namely a sense of self surrender, accept the situation as it is maintained. Tensions relationship between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie encourage the formation of large social movements, namely the revolution. Tension occurs if the proletariat has been aware of the exploitation of the bourgeoisie against them. [3] There are several basic assumptions of the theory of this conflict.The theory of conflict is the antithesis of structural functional theory, where theory is put forward functional structural order in society.The theory of conflict to see dissension and conflict in social systems. The theory of conflict to see that in the community would not forever be in order. The proof in any society must have experienced conflicts or tensions. Then the theory of conflict also saw the domination, coercion, and power in society. Conflict theory also talks about the different authorities. Different authorities resulted superordinasi and subordination. The difference between superordinasi and subordination can lead to conflict because of differences of interests. Conflict theory also says that conflict is necessary for the creation of social change. When the functional structural say that social change in society that always happens at the point of equilibrium, conflict theory view of social change due to conflicts of interest. But at a certain point, people are able to reach a mutual agreement. In the conflict, there's always negotiations conducted thus create a consensus.
A. Levels of conflict In order to respond to conflict secrara right, we need to understand the level (levels) of conflict. Individual level there is conflict and there is also conflict institutional level. Both will be described in greater detail following.
1. Conflict Individual Level In this category, there are two categories of conflict, namely: (1) conflict within the individual in question, and (2) conflicts between individuals. Conflicts in a person occurs when he has two or more interests that are conflicting. When those interests are equally attractive or equally unattractive, but he must make a choice, then there was a conflict within the individual concerned. Conflict between individuals, occurs when two individuals have the same interests against one thing, and they both will not budge. It could also, conflicts occur when they have different views or opinions, and each considers the most correct pendapatnnyalah.Contradictions of this kind lead to conflict between individuals.
2. Conflict Level Institutions Two or more institutions, could be involved in a conflict. At the institutional level, there are two levels of conflict: (1) conflict within the institution and (2) conflicts between agencies. Conflict occurs in the atmosphere is almost the same institution with a conflict between individuals as mentioned above, but is more complex. The difference is the number of individuals involved in the conflict. The members in an institution because they have conflicting interests similar to the one and the same thing will not budge. They have different views or opinions, and each considers the most correct pendapatnyalah. In his position as a member of a group, people will tend to sort themselves meraka into two categories: 'we' (ingroup) and 'them' (outgroup). Ingroup are those who become members of the institution, and the outgroup are those that are outside the ingroup.Inter-institutional conflict arises when there is disagreement between the ingroup and outgroup. If we observe the dynamics of an institution, we could find the existence of three types of conflict. B. The theories about the causes of conflict
Public Relations Theory Considers that the conflict caused by the polarization that continues to occur, distrust and hostility between different groups within a society. The main objective of this theory are: • Improving communication and understanding between the groups in conflict. • Ensuring the community for more tolerance and mutual acceptance of diversity that can exist in it.
Negotiation Theory Principles Considers that the conflict caused by the positions that are not aligned and differences of opinion about the conflict by the parties in conflict. The main objective of this theory are: • Assisting the parties in conflict to separate personal feelings with various problems and issues, and enabling them to conduct negotiations based on their interests rather than specific positions that have been fixed. • Smooth the process of reaching an agreement beneficial to both parties or all parties.
Human Needs Theory Assume that the conflict is rooted in basic human needs caused by - physical, mental, and social - are not fulfilled or blocked. Security, identity, recognition, participation, and autonomy is often a core subject. The main objective of this theory are: • Assisting the parties in conflict to identify and work with their needs unmet, and generate options to meet those needs. • In order for the parties in conflict to reach an agreement to meet the basic needs of all parties.
Identity Theory Assume that the conflict caused by the threatened identity, often rooted in the loss of something or suffering in the past that are not resolved. The main objective of this theory are: • Through workshops and dialogues between the parties in conflict they are expected to identify the threats and fear they felt each and to build empathy and reconciliation between them. • Reaching agreement that recognizes the need for fundamental identity of all parties.
Theory of Intercultural Misunderstanding Assume that the conflict caused by lack of match in the ways of communication between different cultures. The main objective of this theory are: • Increase knowledge of the parties in conflict about the culture of others. • Reduce the negative stereotypes they have of the other party. • Improve the effectiveness of intercultural communication.
Theory of Conflict Transformation Assume that the conflict caused by the problems of inequality and injustice that arise as social problems, cultural and economic. The main objective of this theory are: • Changing the structures and frameworks that lead to inequality and injustice, including economic disparities. • Improve relationships and long-term attitude among the parties in conflict. • Develop a variety of processes and systems to promote empowerment, justice, peace, forgiveness, reconciliation and recognition.
Conflict theory is a theory that views that social change does not occur through a process of adjustment of the values that bring change, but due to the conflicts that produce compromises that are different from its original state. This theory is based on the ownership of the means of production as the principal element of the separation of classes in society. Conflict theory emerged as a reaction to the emergence of structural functional theory. Thinking of the most influential or the basis of the theory of conflict is the thinking of Karl Marx. In the 1950s and 1960s, the theory of conflict broke out. Conflict theory provides an alternative to structural functional theory. At that time, Marx filed a fundamental conception of society and class struggle. Marx did not define the class at length but he showed that in society, in the 19th century in Europe where he lived, composed of the class of capital owners (bourgeoisie) and the poor working class as the proletariat. Both these classes are in a hierarchical social structure, the bourgeoisie against the proletariat exploitation in the production process. This exploitation will continue to run during pseudo-consciousness exists (false consiousness) within the proletariat, namely a sense of self surrender, accept the situation as it is maintained. Tensions relationship between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie encourage the formation of large social movements, namely the revolution. Tension occurs if the proletariat has been aware of the exploitation of the bourgeoisie against them. [3] There are several basic assumptions of the theory of this conflict.The theory of conflict is the antithesis of structural functional theory, where theory is put forward functional structural order in society.The theory of conflict to see dissension and conflict in social systems. The theory of conflict to see that in the community would not forever be in order. The proof in any society must have experienced conflicts or tensions. Then the theory of conflict also saw the domination, coercion, and power in society. Conflict theory also talks about the different authorities. Different authorities resulted superordinasi and subordination. The difference between superordinasi and subordination can lead to conflict because of differences of interests. Conflict theory also says that conflict is necessary for the creation of social change. When the functional structural say that social change in society that always happens at the point of equilibrium, conflict theory view of social change due to conflicts of interest. But at a certain point, people are able to reach a mutual agreement. In the conflict, there's always negotiations conducted thus create a consensus.
A. Levels of conflict In order to respond to conflict secrara right, we need to understand the level (levels) of conflict. Individual level there is conflict and there is also conflict institutional level. Both will be described in greater detail following.
1. Conflict Individual Level In this category, there are two categories of conflict, namely: (1) conflict within the individual in question, and (2) conflicts between individuals. Conflicts in a person occurs when he has two or more interests that are conflicting. When those interests are equally attractive or equally unattractive, but he must make a choice, then there was a conflict within the individual concerned. Conflict between individuals, occurs when two individuals have the same interests against one thing, and they both will not budge. It could also, conflicts occur when they have different views or opinions, and each considers the most correct pendapatnnyalah.Contradictions of this kind lead to conflict between individuals.
2. Conflict Level Institutions Two or more institutions, could be involved in a conflict. At the institutional level, there are two levels of conflict: (1) conflict within the institution and (2) conflicts between agencies. Conflict occurs in the atmosphere is almost the same institution with a conflict between individuals as mentioned above, but is more complex. The difference is the number of individuals involved in the conflict. The members in an institution because they have conflicting interests similar to the one and the same thing will not budge. They have different views or opinions, and each considers the most correct pendapatnyalah. In his position as a member of a group, people will tend to sort themselves meraka into two categories: 'we' (ingroup) and 'them' (outgroup). Ingroup are those who become members of the institution, and the outgroup are those that are outside the ingroup.Inter-institutional conflict arises when there is disagreement between the ingroup and outgroup. If we observe the dynamics of an institution, we could find the existence of three types of conflict. B. The theories about the causes of conflict
Public Relations Theory Considers that the conflict caused by the polarization that continues to occur, distrust and hostility between different groups within a society. The main objective of this theory are: • Improving communication and understanding between the groups in conflict. • Ensuring the community for more tolerance and mutual acceptance of diversity that can exist in it.
Negotiation Theory Principles Considers that the conflict caused by the positions that are not aligned and differences of opinion about the conflict by the parties in conflict. The main objective of this theory are: • Assisting the parties in conflict to separate personal feelings with various problems and issues, and enabling them to conduct negotiations based on their interests rather than specific positions that have been fixed. • Smooth the process of reaching an agreement beneficial to both parties or all parties.
Human Needs Theory Assume that the conflict is rooted in basic human needs caused by - physical, mental, and social - are not fulfilled or blocked. Security, identity, recognition, participation, and autonomy is often a core subject. The main objective of this theory are: • Assisting the parties in conflict to identify and work with their needs unmet, and generate options to meet those needs. • In order for the parties in conflict to reach an agreement to meet the basic needs of all parties.
Identity Theory Assume that the conflict caused by the threatened identity, often rooted in the loss of something or suffering in the past that are not resolved. The main objective of this theory are: • Through workshops and dialogues between the parties in conflict they are expected to identify the threats and fear they felt each and to build empathy and reconciliation between them. • Reaching agreement that recognizes the need for fundamental identity of all parties.
Theory of Intercultural Misunderstanding Assume that the conflict caused by lack of match in the ways of communication between different cultures. The main objective of this theory are: • Increase knowledge of the parties in conflict about the culture of others. • Reduce the negative stereotypes they have of the other party. • Improve the effectiveness of intercultural communication.
Theory of Conflict Transformation Assume that the conflict caused by the problems of inequality and injustice that arise as social problems, cultural and economic. The main objective of this theory are: • Changing the structures and frameworks that lead to inequality and injustice, including economic disparities. • Improve relationships and long-term attitude among the parties in conflict. • Develop a variety of processes and systems to promote empowerment, justice, peace, forgiveness, reconciliation and recognition.
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